The Founder

  • Hans M. Verheijke


„Communiction, connectivity and readyness for self-development become the main leadership competencies for more and more companies."





Founder and Chairman of the Business Performance Academy Hans M. Verheijke looks back On a More than 35-year international career.

As an expert in development of leadership competencies he brings worldwide experience in leadership training and personal coaching to the development programs.
He is recognised for his contribution to the development of leadership performance competencies. Throughout his career he studied the leadership of more than 10,000 executives to identify core competencies. Based on this research, he expanded the model of  "The Learning Organization" that is the foundation of the Business Performance Academy programs.
As a personal coach and trainer, he worked with managers of different cultures, businesses and industries.



Foundation of the Business Performance Academy

in Heidelberg, Germany and collaboration with Prof. Dr. Joachim Funke, Institute of Psychology, Heidelberg University until the end of 2016.
Continued collaboration with our Team of Experts in Psychology, trained by Prof. Dr. Funke, as well as Prof. Dr. Michael Christ from the University of Applied Sciences Mainz.


Wolters Kluwer

Publishing and education providers, Managing Director Asia-Pacific

Krauthammer International

Industry: Leadership Training, Coaching and Consulting, Direktor Northern Europe


Various management and marketing positionen

Between 1965 and 1972 he studied education, psychology and economics at the Pedagogical Institute Rotterdam and the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

He currently lives in Germany and the Netherlands.
His Hobbies and interests include Hinduism and Art Nouveau.